Discus Program Diagnostics

The following are the results of the Discus Program self-diagnostics. If you do not see any error messages, then the problem you are experiencing is likely not a problem with your setup. You can always consult the Discus Support Center for support and troubleshooting assistance. You may also wish to join us at the Discus Support Forum if you need assistance.

Your platform is reported as: linux.
This is Discus 3.10.5.

General program diagnostics
Checking for Perl 5.005 or higher:                           PASSED!
  Your Perl version is 5.026003
  Perl appears to be found at [/usr/bin/perl]
Checking "crypt()" function:                                 PASSED!
Checking discus.conf existence:                              PASSED!
Checking discus.conf readability:                            PASSED!
Checking discus.conf uploaded in ASCII mode:                 PASSED!
Checking src-board-subs-common uploaded in ASCII mode:       PASSED!
Importing src-board-subs-common subs:                        PASSED!
Importing src-board-subs-admin subs:                         PASSED!
Checking existence of administration directory:              PASSED!
Checking existence of source directory:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-1:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-2:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-3:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-4:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-5:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-6:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-7:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-8:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-9:                       PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-10:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-11:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-12:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-13:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-14:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-15:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-16:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-17:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-18:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-19:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-20:                      PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-common:                  PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-admin:                   PASSED!
Checking source file dep.txt:                                PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-smtp:                    PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-win32:                   PASSED!
Checking source file src-board-subs-spch:                    PASSED!
Checking existence of HTML directory:                        PASSED!
Checking existence of script directory:                      PASSED!
Checking Discus version match:                               PASSED!
Checking topics file existence:                              ERROR!
Board topics file (board-topics.html) does not exist!
Checking topics file permissions:                            ERROR!
Board topics file (board-topics.html) is not writable!
This installation is configured as DISCUS FREEWARE

Verifying file permissions
Administration directory: cuss.txt:                          PASSED!
Administration directory: postoptions.txt:                   PASSED!
Administration directory: email.txt:                         PASSED!
Administration directory: upgrade.txt:                       PASSED!
Administration directory: security.txt:                      PASSED!
Administration directory: groups.txt:                        PASSED!
Administration directory: adminlog.txt:                      PASSED!
Administration directory: data.txt:                          PASSED!
Administration directory: tree.txt:                          PASSED!
Administration directory: options.txt:                       PASSED!
Administration directory: users.txt:                         PASSED!
Administration directory: posting.txt:                       PASSED!
Administration directory: errors.txt:                        PASSED!
Administration directory: passwd.txt:                        PASSED!
Administration directory: postindex.txt:                     PASSED!
Administration subdirectory: backups (rwxrwxrwx):            PASSED!
Administration subdirectory: locks (rwxrwxrwx):              PASSED!
Administration subdirectory: msg_index (rwxrwxrwx):          PASSED!
msg_index directory: 8-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: 8-log.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                  PASSED!
msg_index directory: 43-search.txt (rwxrwxrwx):              PASSED!
msg_index directory: 1-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: 17-search.txt (rwxrwxrwx):              PASSED!
msg_index directory: 2-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: 36-search.txt (rwxrwxrwx):              PASSED!
msg_index directory: 43-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                PASSED!
msg_index directory: 43-log.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: -tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                  PASSED!
msg_index directory: 8-search.txt (rwxrwxrwx):               PASSED!
msg_index directory: attach-mgr.txt (rwxrwxrwx):             PASSED!
msg_index directory: 36-log.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: 17-log.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: 36-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                PASSED!
msg_index directory: 17-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                PASSED!
msg_index directory: 3-tree.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                 PASSED!
msg_index directory: 1-search.txt (rwxrwxrwx):               PASSED!
msg_index directory: 1-log.txt (rwxrwxrwx):                  PASSED!
msg_index subdirectory: msg_index/1 (rwxrwxrwx):             PASSED!
msg_index subdirectory: msg_index/43 (rwxrwxrwx):            PASSED!
msg_index subdirectory: msg_index/searches (rwxrwxrwx):      PASSED!
msg_index subdirectory: msg_index/17 (rwxrwxrwx):            PASSED!
msg_index subdirectory: msg_index/8 (rwxrwxrwx):             PASSED!
msg_index subdirectory: msg_index/36 (rwxrwxrwx):            PASSED!
Messages directory (rwxrwxrwx):                              ERROR!

Checking integrity of scripts/source files
Source file: src-board-subs-win32:                           PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-5:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-1:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-4:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-14:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-15:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-12:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-20:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-spch:                            PASSED!
Dependency file: dep.txt:                                    PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-msm:                             PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-8:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-9:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-7:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-smtp:                            PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-16:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-3:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-10:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-admin:                           PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-17:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-13:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-11:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-18:                              PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-6:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-2:                               PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-common:                          PASSED!
Source file: src-board-subs-19:                              PASSED!
Script file: show.cgi:                                       PASSED!
Script file: board-image-lister.cgi:                         PASSED!
Script file: board-admin.cgi:                                PASSED!
Script file: board-search.cgi:                               PASSED!
Script file: board-admin-2.cgi:                              PASSED!
Script file: board-image.cgi:                                PASSED!
Script file: board-admin-3.cgi:                              PASSED!
Script file: cron-email.cgi:                                 PASSED!
Script file: board-viewtree.cgi:                             PASSED!
Script file: board-profile.cgi:                              PASSED!
Script file: board-contact.cgi:                              PASSED!
Script file: reply-email.cgi:                                PASSED!
Script file: board-post-form.cgi:                            PASSED!
Script file: diagnose.cgi:                                   PASSED!
Script file: board-post.cgi:                                 PASSED!
Script file: board-admin-1.cgi:                              PASSED!
Script file: board-newmessages.cgi:                          PASSED!
Script file: board-admin-menuonly.cgi:                       PASSED!
Permissions: Create 'locks' file:                            PASSED!
Permissions: Remove 'locks' file:                            PASSED!
Permissions: Create 'backups' file:                          PASSED!
Permissions: Remove 'backups' file:                          PASSED!

Checking status of installed Perl modules
* Net::SMTP module:                                          Installed
* Mail::Sendmail module:                                     Not Installed

Checking Icons
You should see a folder icon here ----> 
    If you do not see it, click here to go to the Discus Support Center and
    do a search for 'Why does Discus not display the icons properly?' with the
    provided search tool.

Your Discus version is 3.10.5 FREE (05/Nov/2001)

Checking Individual Subroutines
(01) board_manager:                                          PASSED!
(01) add_topic:                                              PASSED!
(01) remove_topic:                                           PASSED!
(01) rename_topic:                                           PASSED!
(01) reorder_topics:                                         PASSED!
(01) change_main_message:                                    PASSED!
(01) change_topic_group:                                     PASSED!
(01) save_top_meta_tags:                                     PASSED!
(01) save_topic_meta_tags:                                   PASSED!
(01) modify_topic_display:                                   PASSED!
(01) change_title_message:                                   PASSED!
(01) save_description:                                       PASSED!
(02) add_page:                                               PASSED!
(02) rename_subtopic:                                        PASSED!
(02) rename_link:                                            PASSED!
(02) reorder_subtopics:                                      PASSED!
(02) change_about_message:                                   PASSED!
(02) remove_page:                                            PASSED!
(02) move_page:                                              PASSED!
(02) change_layout:                                          PASSED!
(02) change_announce_message:                                PASSED!
(02) new_file:                                               PASSED!
(02) page_regeneration:                                      PASSED!
(02) reorder_chooser:                                        PASSED!
(03) page_mgr_1:                                             PASSED!
(03) page_mgr_2:                                             PASSED!
(04) build_graphical_tree:                                   PASSED!
(04) admin_main_menu:                                        PASSED!
(04) front_page:                                             PASSED!
(04) cleaning_jobs:                                          PASSED!
(04) admin_from_here:                                        PASSED!
(04) get_navbar:                                             PASSED!
(05) email_configuration:                                    PASSED!
(05) send_email_message:                                     PASSED!
(05) email_notification:                                     PASSED!
(05) notification_message:                                   PASSED!
(05) email_configurator:                                     PASSED!
(06) skinmaker:                                              PASSED!
(06) skinsaver:                                              PASSED!
(06) permform:                                               PASSED!
(06) skin_install:                                           PASSED!
(06) template_mgr_1:                                         PASSED!
(06) template_editor:                                        PASSED!
(06) preview_skin:                                           PASSED!
(06) template_save:                                          PASSED!
(07) user_mgr_1:                                             PASSED!
(07) user_mgr_2:                                             PASSED!
(07) add_user:                                               PASSED!
(07) preview_user_list:                                      PASSED!
(07) modify_list:                                            PASSED!
(07) add_user_list:                                          PASSED!
(07) delete_user:                                            PASSED!
(07) posting_options:                                        PASSED!
(07) copy_user_action:                                       PASSED!
(08) search_stop:                                            PASSED!
(08) html_to_webtags:                                        PASSED!
(08) remove_swearing:                                        PASSED!
(08) webtags:                                                PASSED!
(08) reapply_webtags:                                        PASSED!
(08) manage_images:                                          PASSED!
(08) inverse_webtags:                                        PASSED!
(09) post_message:                                           PASSED!
(09) get_number:                                             PASSED!
(09) verify_user_password:                                   PASSED!
(09) update_time:                                            PASSED!
(09) verify_postread_privileges:                             PASSED!
(10) compare_profiles:                                       PASSED!
(10) display_profile_differences:                            PASSED!
(10) profile_editor_screen:                                  PASSED!
(11) show_gauge:                                             PASSED!
(11) rebuild_tree:                                           PASSED!
(11) regenerate_board:                                       PASSED!
(11) upgrade_filestructure:                                  PASSED!
(11) rebuild_logs:                                           PASSED!
(11) branches:                                               PASSED!
(11) incremental:                                            PASSED!
(12) options_mgr:                                            PASSED!
(12) version_manager:                                        PASSED!
(12) options_save:                                           PASSED!
(13) compare_source:                                         PASSED!
(13) read_source:                                            PASSED!
(13) write_source:                                           PASSED!
(13) viewmessage:                                            PASSED!
(13) save_profile_information:                               PASSED!
(13) move_message:                                           PASSED!
(13) save_edited_message:                                    PASSED!
(13) reorder_messages:                                       PASSED!
(13) remove_message:                                         PASSED!
(14) clean_tree:                                             PASSED!
(14) clean_posting_logs:                                     PASSED!
(14) repair_names:                                           PASSED!
(14) data_recovery:                                          PASSED!
(14) data_recovery_action:                                   PASSED!
(14) data_recovery_top:                                      PASSED!
(14) data_recovery_special:                                  PASSED!
(14) misplaced_cleaner:                                      PASSED!
(14) take_to_maintenance:                                    PASSED!
(14) page_fixer:                                             PASSED!
(14) data_recovery_other:                                    PASSED!
(14) duplicate_clean:                                        PASSED!
(14) time_grabber:                                           PASSED!
(15) add_moderator:                                          PASSED!
(15) delete_moderator:                                       PASSED!
(15) groups_by_moderator:                                    PASSED!
(15) groups_by_moderator_save:                               PASSED!
(15) moderator_mgr:                                          PASSED!
(15) group_mgr:                                              PASSED!
(15) add_group:                                              PASSED!
(15) delete_group:                                           PASSED!
(15) edit_group:                                             PASSED!
(15) delete_moderator_from_group:                            PASSED!
(15) add_to_group:                                           PASSED!
(16) change_board_colors:                                    PASSED!
(16) topic_format:                                           PASSED!
(16) regenerate_subtopic_list:                               PASSED!
(16) format_messages:                                        PASSED!
(16) regenerate_message:                                     PASSED!
(16) format_subtopics:                                       PASSED!
(17) rename_topic_form:                                      PASSED!
(17) change_topic_group_form:                                PASSED!
(17) rename_subtopic_form:                                   PASSED!
(17) rename_link_form:                                       PASSED!
(17) page_manager_navbar:                                    PASSED!
(17) preview_admin_message:                                  PASSED!
(17) move_message_form:                                      PASSED!
(17) edit_message_form:                                      PASSED!
(17) copy_user_form:                                         PASSED!
(17) move_subtopic_form:                                     PASSED!
(17) preview_board_colors:                                   PASSED!
(17) profanity_editor:                                       PASSED!
(17) graphic_browser_select:                                 PASSED!
(17) first_pass:                                             PASSED!
(17) import_export_utility:                                  PASSED!
(17) access_mgr_2:                                           PASSED!
(18) register_discus:                                        PASSED!
(18) perl_warn:                                              PASSED!
(18) upgrade_file_structure:                                 PASSED!
(18) cuss_save:                                              PASSED!
(18) search_clear:                                           PASSED!
(18) bug_report:                                             PASSED!
(18) v3_00_to_3_10_upgrade:                                  PASSED!
(18) inverse_get_date_time:                                  PASSED!
(18) access_edit_simple:                                     PASSED!
(18) change_private_and_public:                              PASSED!
(19) quota_admin:                                            PASSED!
(19) mail_administrator_quota:                               PASSED!
(19) quota_check_test:                                       PASSED!
(20) printuntil:                                             PASSED!

End diagnostics.