Submitted by:Sergio

These photos were sent into us on November 10/2004 from a young fellow named Sergio M. of what he encountered at the Darnley Mill on Crooks Hollow Road in Ancaster, Ontario. We have tested the photos and found that the pictures submitted are in fact of a paranormal nature (in our opinion only).

In this photo you can make out what appears to be an old man's head near the top left in ecto form. There is also a figure of another person near the center of the photo.

In this photo you can see a person walking away from the investigator in the haunted room at the Darnley Mill

In this photo it appears to be the back end of a horse, but don't quote me, I could be wrong. Whatever it was, it had a lot of energy to it and made its presence known.

In this picture you can see a burst of energy around the folks inside the room. This energy form was a tad bit angry as indicated by the light red ecto mist in the picture. When we tested this picture in posterize form it showed a lot of red within it.

Another ecto form inside the room....

In this photo it shows a burst of red ecto mist that again was from an angry or frustrated spirit inside the room.

This photo shows a red form of energy forming around the two folks inside the haunted room at the Darnley Mill. This ecto mist was strong with negative energy.

We thank Sergio for sending these photos to share with our viewers to the site. Anyone can get amazing photos such as Sergio did by going out in the field to explore the unknown world of the paranormal. If you should capture anything like Sergio did you are more than welcome to send your photos in to us.

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Copyright © 1998-2004 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal