In this photo it shows a lot of ecto plasm, but in between the bushes you can make out a dog or horse standing between them.

To the right in the above photo you can see what appears to be a cat. The ears are defined as well as the head.

This photo shows ecto plasm with a lot of energy to it throughout the picture.

In this photo taken just about a minute later there appears to be more of the same thing.

I headed back to the front of the cemetery and got this photo. What is really strange about this one is the ecto plasm forming into a ring just to the right of the picture, with another ring in the middle.

After taking a few more pictures near the front of the cemetery , this mystery ring of blue energy showed just to the left near the ground. Just to the top right some energy was just leaving the area I was in.

Everyone that was with us this night had seen and heard things that could not be explained. Do spirits of our pets live on after death?

In our opinion we believe they do. Every living thing in our world has energy to it. There have been countless stories of pets that return home to where they once lived and let themselves be known to their previous owners. Lady has returned to check up on us on numerous occassions which has been of great comfort to us.

Ancaster Pet Cemetery 1
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 2
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 3
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 4
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 5
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 6
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 7
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 8
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 9
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 10
Ancaster Pet Cemetery 11

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Copyright © 1998-2005 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal