Just above the bushes and just left of the center, you can clearly see a form of an oxen's skull head in this photo. This was an amazing photo with such detail of the oxen's head complete with horns in the photo. Could this have been one of the oxen that were lead to their death pulling out the train that sank into the bog?

Just to the right of this photo is a very strong energy form of a person taking on shape. This spirit was not a happy one as seen by the strong red energy within the form.

This photo was interesting, showing what appears as a dog's head tilted to the side, in the bottom right hand corner, in ecto form.

Again we came across an angry spirit form as indicated in the mist of this form. There seems to be some faces that were forming within the mist.

Ecto plasm mixed in with ecto mist and having a red tint to this energy form that made its presence known without a doubt.

To the left you can see a spirit form taking on a shape of a woman's head with long hair. This photo was a good one for showing form.

It's not too often we can get a good shot of a perfect form of energy. But this one that Cindy had taken is clearly that of a skelton in the middle of the tracks. Complete with skull, rib cage, and hip bone in blue ecto plasm form.

When we viewed this photo it gave us the chills for sure.....

This ecto form showed as a hooded figure in this picture.

Just ahead to the right, you can see Eddie from CPR going over to Cathy. It appears as though he had company with him as shown in this photo.

You can see in this picture that there seemed to be an animal in a strong energy form that was not happy. There also was another animal form in ecto mist heading towards the angry one.

June 19/2004 (1)
June 19/2004 (2)
June 19/2004 (3)
June 19/2004 (4)
August 6/2004 (1)
August 6/2004 (2)
October 9/2004 (1)
October 9/2004 (2)
October 9/2004 (3)
October 9/2004 (4)

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Copyright © 1998-2004 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal