Mt Albion Cemetery
Stoney Creek, Ontario Canada

In this photo you can see some ecto mist forming to my right. Notice that this mist is white in color. This means that this spirit had less energy than the one that showed as Ectoplasm.

About 20 minutes later I captured this ecto mist right in front of me. It appears that whatever spirits are there wanted to have their picture taken to tell their story.

About 6 minutes later I took another pic in the direction where I had got the ectomist that was in front of me. In this photo you can see some ecto mist to my left.

About half an hour later I took some photos of the dead end road where most folks park their cars that meet here. In this shot you can see some ectoplasm and ectomist to both the right and left. The one on the right appears to be someone in a long robe holding out their arms holding onto something, the one on the left appears as a hooded figure within the mist.....

I wandered over to the single cemetery that was on the old Pearson Farm and got some ectoplasm forming to my left.

I wandered to the parking area again and caught this red orb by the pole. This would indicate a very unhappy spirit. We then took some more shots and only came up with some orbs and nothing else so we returned home.

Date: Nov. 1st/2002
Conditions; clear night...
Total pictures taken 78
Best pictures used 6
Length of Investigation 2hrs 12 min.

Cathy and I returned to the Mt. Albion Cemetery again the day after Halloween. We met up with Judith (a friend of ours that we met through our website). We got ourselves set up and about half an hour into our investigation I caught this orb in front of Judith"s face as she was walking across the cemetery.....

In this shot you can see we had some company watching to see what we were up to. There by the tombstone you can see about 4 good sized orbs.

The lights on the right side are lights from the Alexander Link. To my left in this photo is some ecto mist almost right by my side.

Mt Albion Cemetery Page 1
Mt Albion Cemetery Page 2
Mt Albion Cemetery Page 3

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Copyright © 1998-2004 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal