The person in the photo is Kenny. He had asked me to take a picture around him. He had said he found a very cold spot and had the sense of a spider web effect around his face. Sure enough he did have company with him as seen in this photo.

In the center of this picture you can see some strands of energy by the bush. But just above the bush there seemed to be a head starting to form.

Now this photo was very interesting in the fact that it shows, on the mountainside, a flow of energy in vibrant color coming down. It almost looks like a waterfall of spiritual energy. The many colors to this entity was amazing.

In the next three photos you will see an energy form go for the old phone box. In this shot there was something starting to form that appeared to be going for the box.

In this shot the energy form appeared to be all over the old box.

In this picture the energy form seemed to have got what it wanted and started to move away from the box.

The area that runs between the two train wrecks holds a lot of activity. Is it the spirits that once occupied the old cemetery showing us they are unsettled because their final resting place has been disturbed? We cannot answer that question with any certainty, but we do know there are spirits in the area that are trying to communicate with anyone that will stop and listen.

The entire rail line between the two train wrecks hold a lot of activity, and we do hope others will take the time to investigate this area and come up with their own conclusions. We will be back in the future to conduct many more investigations to this area.

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History/Sept 28/2003
Sept 28/2003

Copyright © 1998-2004 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal