In this photo you can see a fully energized red ORB travelling along the rail trail. The brush you see directly in front is where we heard something following us as we moved. To the right hand side where I was standing you could hear a man and a child talking in a whisper type of voice. To the left hand side is where the car would have been and this is where the grass seperated as we walked along this trail.

Most of the pictures taken this evening seemed to be just ahead of me where the most activity was taking place. In this photo you can see a red energy form travelling towards Dickenson Road along the rail trail. This energy form was also red in color that indicated a very unhappy spirit.

This photo shows another form of energy in ecto form that appeared on the rail trail to the right of the photo. Upon examining this photo, the energy form appeared as though it came from the sky down to the trail.

Looking back towards the field, standing on the trail, some ecto mist started to take form as indicated by the photo.

Near the end of this investigation, another noise came from the bush area by the trail as if someone was walking in the bush.When I took this picture another faint red energy form was taking on shape on the rail trail.

This night proved to be very interesting as to what we had experienced on the trail. Between the soft spoken voices and the grass seperating as we walked along the trail that leads to the field, the walking that took place in the bush area and the photos that we managed to capture at this site, it was amazing to say the least.

We intend to return for future study into the paranormal activity that surrounds the area....


The pictures that are shown in this investigation have what we believe to be real paranormal content. This of course is our OPINION ONLY. We do this as a hobby, not as a business. It is up to the individual to decide for themselves if what we had captured on camera is real or not! All pictures taken were witnessed by those in attendance while they were still on the camera. With that said we hope you, the viewer, enjoy your visit to our site.

October 16th/2004
Pics taken 85
Pics Used 3

We had returned to the rail crossing this evening of October 16th/2004 with Steve from Royal Ontario Paranormal (out of Toronto). Steve had heard a person walking by him as he walked along the trail and had a strang sense of someone right by him. Also during the investigation we all saw what appeared as a bright light that lit up the back of the car parked on the road, yet there was no other car coming and when we had approached Steve's car the light disappeared and the area returned to darkness.

In this photo you can see Steve and Cathy on the rail trail. Little did they know they had company with them while they were there talking. The photo shows an ecto mist form right by the two folks in the picture.

Once again the trail that leads to the big open field showed a presence in blue ecto plasm form that was taking on a shape. At the time this picture was taken there was a sound right beside me that sounded like a person walking back and forth in the bush to my right.

There was a soft moan by my left and I took this picture. In the photo it appears as an ecto form of a lady crawling along the trail that leads to the field.Yet the form did not look complete at the time this picture was taken. It almost appears as the woman was crawling on knees and hands, that the lady's right arm was missing. Or was this a child crawling? I can not say for any certainty.

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October/2004 (1)
October/2004 (2)
October/2004 (3)

Copyright © 1998-2005 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal