Sydenham Rail Bridge Mystery Orb

Please note that the red orb does not show in this photo.

We were about to leave when I took this picture of the little steps that lead up to the wooden bridge. Note that the red orb is not shown, but it does appear that I had some spirits that followed me out to say good-bye.

Once we got home I shut off all the lights and took a few pictures in the apartment. The red mystery orb appears in the photo by the couch, in the next shot the orb is not there. I guess we have a new guest in our apartment, but I believe this spirit wants me to know something. Now it's just to try to figure out what it wants of me......

Please notice that this picture taken just moments later shows no sign of the mystery orb.

Mystery Orb Page 1
Mystery Orb Page 2
Mystery Orb Page 3

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Copyright © 1998-2004 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal