We were talking when we all noticed that a strange breeze came down the trail that leads to the tunnel, yet the trees were not moving. It was if something just passed us with a lot of speed like when a car at a high rate of speed goes by you.

I took this picture and where Cathy is standing you can see a large dog jumping over her with a long tail. Just behind that entity is another dog with floppy ears jumping in the same direction as the other one in front of the tunnel. Could this be the blue ghost dogs that guard the entrance to the tunnel?

I know one thing for sure is there appears to be some form of dogs that do in fact guard the tunnel. Also there are spirits that dwell here from the time gone by.

In the above photo there seemed to be some ecto plasm that was hovering by the right side of the tunnel. This shot was taken about a minute after the last photo. The ecto plasm had a lot of energy to it by showing as a deep blue color.

We started to leave and head back up the hill in front of the tunnel. The group were asking if the spirits can follow one home and asked Cathy to take a photo of the road that leads back to where the cars were parked. In the above photo Cathy caught some ecto mist with energy to it in the right side of the picture. Over looking the field there were orbs in the area indicating spirits were with us.

Cathy then took another picture and caught what appears as a giant heart or winged spirit that was following. This ecto form was intense with energy.

Cathy was ahead of me when I took this picture and caught some light ecto plasm near her. There seemed to be an extended string of energy reaching for her near the ground.

In this photo Cathy had a lot of spirit activity around her as she was walking along the road back to the car.

Cathy took this picture by the side of the road and managed to capture some ecto plasm forming from the left side reaching for her.

In this photo Cathy took about five minutes later there seems to be some sort of animal following us just to the side of the road. There was a lot of energy to this spirit showing vibrant colors of energy. It appears as a big dog. Was this the dog that guards the tunnel????

BGT History
November 9/2002
August 23/2003
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September 20/2003 (4)
September 20/2003 (5)
September 20/2003 (6)
October 25/2003 (1)
October 25/2003 (2)
December 12/2003
December 13/2003 (1)
December 13/2003 (2)
December 27/2003 (1)
December 27/2003 (2)
December 31/2003
January 10/2004 (1)
January 10/2004 (2)
January 10/2004 (3)
January 10/2004 (4)
January 10/2004 (5)
January 10/2004 (6)
January 10/2004 (7)
January 17/2004 (1)
January 17/2004 (2)
January 17/2004 (3)
January 17/2004 (4)
January 24/2004 (1)
January 24/2004 (2)
January 24/2004 (3)
January 24/2004 (4)
January 31/2004 (1)
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February 7/2004
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February 21/2004
March 6/2004 (1)
March 6/2004 (2)
May 22/2004
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July 10/2004 (2)
July 10/2004 (3)
July 16/2004 (1)
July 16/2004 (2)
August 14 & 20/2005

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Copyright © 1998-2005 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal