I kept taking pictures of them and this strange red ecto mist would still be around them as seen in this photo. It almost appears as a form of a person just behind them, looking to see what they are doing.

Just ahead of Eddie on the tracks, there seemed to be an image of a big head taking on form. By the red color of the form, it would indicate a very unhappy spirit.

Cathy and Cindy were still taking photos and did not want to leave the area after I had warned them of something being there with them that was angry. Again notice the red tint to the ecto mist. This is not a good thing.

Going back closer to the bridge a bit I managed to capture two white puffs of ecto mist just ahead of me.....

In this pic you can see ecto mist just down from where I was standing. Within the mist a form of what appears as a skull was forming. I have circled the area that I am referring to.

A white little spirit form traveling along the track towards me. Just what it was is anyone's guess.

Shortly after the last photo was taken I got this one that appears as a head coming from the left side of the tracks. Also there seemed to be a part of the head that appeared as if it had been crushed in the center.

The form you see on the right of the tracks seems to be taking a human form.

To the left of me there was a strange noise coming from the bushes and when I took this picture I felt sick to my stomach shortly after. This is an angry energy form showing in red that was also taking on a form of something that did not want me there.

June 19/2004 (1)
June 19/2004 (2)
June 19/2004 (3)
June 19/2004 (4)
August 6/2004 (1)
August 6/2004 (2)
October 9/2004 (1)
October 9/2004 (2)
October 9/2004 (3)
October 9/2004 (4)

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Copyright © 1998-2004 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal